Useful Information
A trailer is available to ALL plot holders to use, if required. Please ring Doug Richards on 01491-573046 if you wish to borrow it.
RHS Cards
The Allotment Association has two RHS cards, each of which entitles the holder plus one guest to 30% off the entry to RHS Gardens (Wisley, Rosemoor, Harlow Carr and Hyde Hall). The only exception is that Sunday entry to Wisley is excluded.
If you would like to make use of one or both of the cards, please contact us.
Links to Other Sources of Information and Advice
Allotments in General
The National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners (NSALG)
Garden Organic, the new working name for HDRA, the national charity for organic growing. If you would like to access the member's area of this website, please contact us.
Royal Horticultural Society
The RHS has an excellent website covering a wide range of topics.
There are many websites providing weather forecasts. The forecasts for the next few days are ideal for deciding whether it is a good time to sow seeds, or to water. We even have a local recording station.
Despite their failed forecasts of a barbecue summer and a mild winter, the Met Office is the authoritative source and the nearest recording station is Benson, renowned for its overnight low temperatures.
A personal favourite that I often check when the forecast is doubtful before going to the allotment is rain today. This uses radar to detect rain and shows the rain showers on a map. The site takes a little time to load but the display of showers over a period of time shows which way the showers are moving.
Use this website to check for the likelihood of frost over the next 5 days.
Seed Merchants
Seed merchants do so much more these days, supplying plants, sundries, fruit bushes and seedlings at various stages of growth in modules. I still have a certain loyalty to Suttons who were once based in Reading. They have an excellent website and have, in particular, a good page In your garden this month. Real seeds have advice on saving your own seed.
Alternative seed suppliers include vegetable seeds a great value supplier of vegetable seeds to UK allotmenteers.
Heritage Seeds are available from Thomas Etty - click here for more details.
The National Charity for Organic Growing offers advice on making your own compost.
Local Organisations
Henley Herald is a new Henley news website providing up to date local news and information. Click here to get to the site... Henley Herald